THE GLASS SHŌ ~ Cindertalk on His New Single and Playing Glasses


Jonny Rodgers, now going by the moniker Cindertalk (Jonny explained that there were too many other noted personalities that have the same or similar names, thus the reason he uses this as a handle at present) sat down with me to do an interview for The Glass Shō. I asked him about the upcoming single titled “Spero”, which will be available to purchase on Record Store Day (April 19th) to benefit the charity Love146, which is an organization dedicated to ending child trafficking and exploitation (By the way, you can get involved with their cause as well by clicking on the link)
Below are excerpts from our chat, but you can hear the full interview on the links for the Glass Sho episode on the bottom or at the top right of this page.

Spero 7

“This song I did called ‘Spero’–it’s a song I wrote after doing a benefit. Basically, I’ve done a lot of spokesperson stuff for an organization called Love146 for years, they combat child sex trafficking, and my wife is a co-founder of the organization. I’ve partnered with them and other groups for a long time, and at one point they did a benefit where I did some music, and I was placed at the same table with a couple of young survivors that came to tell their stories. Talk about feeling like you’ve met a rock star–They’d been through some hellish, harrowing things and have courageously come out the other side and told their stories to all of us without flinching. Horrific stories and amazing resilience from these survivors, and that’s the fundamental basis for the song, lyrically–It’s based upon the Latin paraphrase ‘Dum spiro spero’, which means ‘While I breathe, I hope'”

I also asked him about playing glasses, his second instrument to guitar.

“The glasses–I built the case I play now, and there was a pretty big shift in my playing–It used to be a case of 9 notes, and it2013_Jonny-Rodgers was really as supplemental filler for a 9-person ensemble. I still do that kind of thing, but it was always standard that I played with 9 people, and the case was always a small part of that. Now I use 19 notes, it’s enough that I can do anything harmonically that I want to, and small enough that I can wheel them through an airport–Those were my 2 biggest criteria for the upgrade.”

The Glass Shō: Episode 3 (Cindertalk & Michael Vincent Waller)

the glassshoA1

Cindertalk (
Cindertalk (Bandcamp page)

Todd Reynolds and Friends at Rite of Summer 2012 (A Review)

Todd Reynolds and some friends performing at Governor’s Island at the Rite of Summer Festival (L to R: Michael O’Brien, bass; Todd Reynolds, violin; Jordan Tice, guitar; and Jonny Rodgers, glass harmonica)

Rite of Summer Festival
Todd Reynolds and Friends
Governors Island, NY
Monday, Sept. 3, 2012

Written by Scottie Roche

On an island in New York Harbor, two young children run hand in hand in wide playful circles as an electrically eclectic mix of sounds fills the air. Like myself and the rest of the people gathered, they’re enjoying the fun of summer to the strains of amplified violin (Todd Reynolds), bluegrass guitar (Jordan Tice), glass harmonica (Jonny Rodgers), a jazzy bass (Michael O’Brien), and a world beat percussion (Matthias Kunzli). The profusion of parents and children midday on this Monday signal Labor Day, and the Rite of Summer T-shirt one of the young kids sports means that the 2012 season of NYC’s exciting new music festival is at the thrilling close of its second season: Todd Reynolds and Friends. Continue reading

Todd Reynolds

Photo courtesy of Kevin Kennefick–KJKPhoto

Well, I am already in great pain from having to pinch myself so much this past week–We have Todd Reynolds on here today!
Yes, that guy that we know from having been a founding member of ETHEL, having been involved with both Steve Reich and Musicians and Bang On a Can, and has a side project with 2 of the BOAC All-Stars called Typical Music, did a duet onstage with Zoe Keating, and has a superb debut album titled Outerborough. That Todd Reynolds!

Todd had a few minutes to speak with me about his appearance at the Rite of Summer Festival on Governors Island on Monday, September 3rd at 1 PM and 3 PM with guests Jonny Rodgers, Jordan Tice and Matthias Kunzli. He had a little extra time for other things too! Continue reading